Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Fun!

Meghan, up to this point, wouldn't even let us go near the Easter Bunny or Santa at the mall. She told me that she wanted to go see the Easter Bunny to ask him for a new bike. I thought that it might be worth the effort, so on Friday, we went. She was still a little unsure, but looks like she warmed up pretty fast. She told me on the way home that she wanted to tell all her friends at school that she wasn't scared anymore. Guess a little peer pressure is a good thing.

Meghan had a great Easter! The Easter Bunny brought her a "big girl" bike. She rode it around the house, lapping about (what seemed like) 1,000 times. She loves it. Benjamin got his new sippy cups for Easter and seems to have figured it out. He hasn't quite got the holding it himself, but he does put his hands on it to help you. (I will get pics of that soon.)

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