Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Meghan's 5th Birthday Party

Meghan on her New Bike. Thanks Mamaw!!!

Meghan received such wonderful gifts. Thanks to everyone who came to her party.

Meghan and her friends at Pump Up the Fun.

Meghan and Jillian

Mikayla and Meghan

Benjamin and Stacy

Benjamin had a blast on the car toy. He wasn't too sure of it at first, but quickly fell in love.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Trick or Treat!

Getting Ready....

The gang heading out.....

My little Sock Monkey....

and my Bumble Bee.....

Our cute Trick or Treaters!

Meghan, Benjamin and Jaxson.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Almost there....

Horrible looking flowerbed is gone and we now have a beautiful clean flowerbed in its place. We also had to seed for new grass to grow. Sorry for not having a before. (afterthought)

Vanity is in and Mirror and lights are up.

Still one wall to sand and paint.

Where's Benjamin?

Peek-a-boo....He just makes me smile.

Basketball Star in the Making

He shoots....He scores!!!

Look Who's Walking Now!

Benjamin started walking yesterday. He is growing up so fast.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Tiny Dancer :)

She was one of only a couple girls who actually listened to the teacher and really wanted to dance. She had her moments, but for the most part, just loves to dance.

For those of you who can't find her right away, she is the one in the dark blue leotard.

Sorry the videos are so dark. The parents sit behind a one way mirror and no flashes will work.

Sunday, September 6, 2009


I made doughnuts for the first time this morning. Gotta love Food Network for Semi-Homemade.

Benjamin loved them.

And we get closer to the finish....

WooHoo!! Lights over the vanity. One more step closer the finish line. Mirror, Plumb the sink and outlets. That's it!

So, this is what happens when Nick is left alone in the bathroom with the drywall sander.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Kitchen Solution

My new Island. Don't you love those bargain finds. Just had to put it together ourselves.
Now to fix this part of the kitchen. ????? What to do??????

Friday, August 28, 2009

50% Done

The shower is done. Yeah! Now on to the rest of the bathroom.

Look, it's a showerhead.Guess a good remodeler is not always a very clean one. Yes we are living amongst the mess.

Next comes the lights and outlets....I hope.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Still working on it...

It's getting there. Just a few more days.

It's a ceiling...no more attic view.

K. So the circles are where the lights will be and the lines note where the mirror will be. A little imagination and you can see the finished project. lol.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Bath time fun. It is so wonderful being able to give them a bath together. Saves on time and water.

Check out them teefers.

She just loves taking baths...with bubbles.

Can you tell he is having fun watching his sister be silly?

She figured out that the rubber ducky makes a pretty neat squirt gun. Benjamin liked it till she squirted him in the face.