Saturday, August 29, 2009

Kitchen Solution

My new Island. Don't you love those bargain finds. Just had to put it together ourselves.
Now to fix this part of the kitchen. ????? What to do??????

Friday, August 28, 2009

50% Done

The shower is done. Yeah! Now on to the rest of the bathroom.

Look, it's a showerhead.Guess a good remodeler is not always a very clean one. Yes we are living amongst the mess.

Next comes the lights and outlets....I hope.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Still working on it...

It's getting there. Just a few more days.

It's a more attic view.

K. So the circles are where the lights will be and the lines note where the mirror will be. A little imagination and you can see the finished project. lol.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Bath time fun. It is so wonderful being able to give them a bath together. Saves on time and water.

Check out them teefers.

She just loves taking baths...with bubbles.

Can you tell he is having fun watching his sister be silly?

She figured out that the rubber ducky makes a pretty neat squirt gun. Benjamin liked it till she squirted him in the face.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

New the works!

Started by ripping out the floors. From top to bottom...Vinyl, a sheet of Luan, a layer of peel and stick tiles then a layer of vinyl tiles, then a layer of plywood (rotten on half the floor) and then finally subfloor (which was missing around the toilet cause it had already rotted to dust). Man, that was a not so fun day.

Then we took down the wall tile. I now know that plaster is the heaviest building material on earth. These houses are built to withstand any natural disaster. Wow, another day of very physically demanding work. But still going.

Ok, so this picture below has a little story. It was the soffit above the tub's day to come down. We tried to remove as much insulation in the attic as possible, but seems we didn't get all of it. See the floor.

And Nick! Now he is starting to look tired. But still going.

Next we got to start putting it back together. Tile work. I actually like doing it. It is very rewarding to see what you can accomplish in a short time.

Grouting time.

I had to go back to work, so now it is up to Nick to bring us to the finish line. He is starting to drywall and it is starting to look like a bathroom again.

That closet was a ton of fun to lay the tile in. Lots of cut tiles.

More pics to come, just thought I would post what I had to this point. I just can't wait to have a toilet in my house again.

Out with the old....

This is for all of you who have remodeled
after someone who didn't know what they were doing.
Note the sarcasm.

Decorative wall tile used to cover the edge of the vinyl that was peeling up. Wow, what a creative use.

Note the creative use of countertop edging on the corner of the wall to make it so you do not have to edge it properly. But I guess they don't offer bullnose in a floor tile anyways.

Floor tile on the walls and might I add, 2 different shades of white tiles.

Gotta love those water leaks, just a few weeks after you buy the house. It was also not disclosed and very obviously covered up. The entire ceiling had been repainted when it was still damp, causing it to just peal off in sheets.

Love the framing over the tub. Guess you couldn't shower if you were over 6 feet tall in 1950.

Our old bathroom....long gone now!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Pool Fun

We went to my Family Reunion on Saturday and had a blast playing at the pool. Meghan kinda liked the water slide. I think it went to fast for her and she would go under the water when we hit the end. Benjamin wasn't really sure that he liked the pool, especially when the waves were hitting us. And yes, that is me in a bathing suit. Doesn't happen very often.


Family Reunion may cause exhaustion!
They crashed, quickly.